gay amish romance

FREE! Four days only!

FREE! Four days only!

Check out the gorgeous new covers for my steamy and heartwarming Amish series! Dar Albert has outdone herself again in refreshing the look for Isaac and David’s books. PLUS, you can grab A Forbidden Rumspringa FREE for the next four days only: AMAZON.COM  |  AMAZON UNIVERSAL  When an illicit romance blossoms between carpenter David and his apprentice, Isaac, it…

Now in Kindle Unlimited

Now in Kindle Unlimited

For the first time, you can borrow my Gay Amish Romance series and post-apocalyptic shifter series Kick at the Darkness via Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited! These series are pretty much two ends of the romance spectrum since I like to mix things up. I hope you enjoy Isaac and David, and Parker and Adam. More is…

What happens when Amazon incorrectly price matches your book?

If you’ve ever wondered what happens when Amazon screws up a price match, here’s a cautionary tale. I learned a few things: 1. It’s important to have a distinctive title. 2. It’s important to ensure the authors’ names are not similar (especially if the titles are). 3. It’s important to remember that Barnes & Noble…

Adventures in Amazon algorithms part three: erotic romance in the Christian category

I’ve previously posted here and here about the challenges of publishing gay Amish romance on Amazon without being put in the Christian/inspirational categories, even though I pointedly do not choose these categories or keywords. Okay, it’s not that bad, but dealing with loopholes in Amazon’s system is an exercise in frustration for me and the…

Adventures in Amazon algorithms part deux

As the author of a gay Amish romance series, here’s the problem with the term “Amish romance.” To most of the world–and most vitally to Amazon–an Amish romance is automatically Christian/inspirational. I have nothing against Christian romances, but that’s not what I write. For starters, I think most Amish romances have approximately 100% less sweaty…

This is not an inspirational Amish romance

It seems that if you write a romance featuring Amish characters, it is automatically classified as “sweet” (i.e. no sex) and “inspirational” (i.e. Christian). During the pre-order period on Amazon, A Forbidden Rumspringa has simultaneously ranked on these bestseller lists: Books > Gay & Lesbian > Literature & Fiction > Erotica Books > Christian Books…